Kingsleigh Equine’s All-Natural Animal Care
Kingsleigh Equine’s all-natural first aid spray for wound and skin care. Improves natural defences of weakened skin.
Kingsleigh Equine is a new line of environmentally friendly cleaning products for equine riding equipment and stables. Our products are scientifically formulated and manufactured using up to date technology, and only quality sustainable plant-based ingredients that are highly effective for all your equipment, riding attire and stable cleaning needs while also safe for animals and the environment.
Ideal for: Inflammation, irritation, redness, skin allergies, Itching & Licking relief.
Made for: Irritated and itchy skin areas. Cleans, irrigates, moisturizes and helps remove debris from wounds. Safe around the mouth nose ears and eyes.
Directions for use: Spray on skin and/or coat as needed, 1 – 4 times daily. Use daily to irrigate, cleans, soothe and moisturize wounds.
Species: Cats, Dogs, Horses, Dairy Cattle, Beef Cattle, Swine, Sheep, Goats, Chickens, Turkeys, Rabbits, Other poultry (quails, pheasants, partridges).
Ingredients: Hypochlorus Acid (0.017%) (HOCl)
Biodegradable – Cruelty-Free – Non-Toxic
Made in Canada