Rambo Ionic therapy harnesses the power of tourmaline, a naturally occuring crystal that releases an electric charge which converts the surrounding air molecules to negative ions, for positive results.
- Stimulates and regulates the circulatory system and increases cells ability to absorb and use oxygen.
- Helps to improve the permeability of cells, encouraging a faster metabolic rate.
- Helps to speed up oxidation of seratonin in the blood, contributing to improved modd levels as well as pain relief.
- Aids in regulating enzyme activity.
- Affects the configuartion of water molecules in the blood, improving their hydration capacity. This makes bodily fluids more mobile, increasing and improving circulation.
- Increased oxygen levels in the blood and a faster delivery to the brain helps to improve concentration.
- Increased oxygen levels in muslce tissue contribute to greater energy.
- The alteration of enzyme activity can stimulate the body's natural defenses and immune system.
- Negative ions contribute to the reinforcement of collagen production.
- Improved blood circulation can rduce blood pressure.
- Promotes more efficient removal of toxins from the body.
- Regulates the pH balance of bodily fluids.
Sold as a pair (2 boots)
Black w/Black & Orange